Monday, August 25, 2008
Understanding The Credit System

A Better Understanding About The Credit Bureaus

Automated credit reporting has enabled us to apply for credit no matter where we decide to live. For example, if a consumer with good credit history moves across the country to take a new job, he or she typically can obtain credit instantly in that new city. Of course the opposite Morgan Stanley Money Market Funds also true, no one can run away from bad credit. The person with negative information in his file has the unfortunate experience Cheap Auto Insurance Kansas seeing the face of credit death no matter which door he chooses. No matter where he moves, the same information is already waiting.

When working properly, the automated credit reporting system used in the United States enables lenders to either avoid consumers who do not pay their bills or lend to them on special terms. This lowers the cost for those with good credit similar to the way a safe driving record will yield a lower insurance premium. Overall, credit losses, which are ultimately passed on to consumers who do pay their bills, are thereby minimized. The bottom line: Without consumer credit reporting, few businesses could afford to extend credit to their customers.

There are many times, however, when good citizens get ensnared in a sticky web which threads are linked with transposed numbers, coincidental similarities, unethical collection agents, just plain bad luck and a host of common, human errors. The rest of this report will empower you with the knowledge you will need to untangle yourself from Rehab For Drug And Alcohol Abuse In North Carolina imperfect system.

You Are Out Of The Loop

The credit reporting system is a business relationship between two parties:

Independent Agencies that collect credit information called credit bureaus.

Merchants who pay for a copy of this credit information on an as-needed basis.

Credit bureaus refer to merchants who pay a fee for their service as subscribers or customers. As with any business, the main focus of the bureaus is to meet the needs of their customers, the merchant subscribers (not you). When you apply for credit with a local merchant, the merchant turns to a credit bureau to obtain a copy of your "credit reputation" to help him evaluate the risks in extending credit to you.

The bureau doesn't actually approve or deny your credit, but rather Whats A Tax Lawyer The Definition the merchant with your payment history as reported by other subscribers with whom you have received credit. However, the bureau will use a closely guarded secret formula to assign a credit score to each individual based on the information in the file.

This information is the most significant factor in the merchant's decision regarding your "ability and willingness" to meet your future financial obligations.
The merchant is counting on the credit bureau's information to serve as a filter to help Internet Whole Life Insurance Quote good credit risks from poor risks. The shortfall of this system is that the product -- YOU, have little clout in this relationship. The merchant's primary motivation is to avoid bad credit risks, and the bureau makes a profit by charging the merchant for helping him do that. The consumer has no positive financial impact on the bureau. Thus, while you are out of the loop, you are surrounded by it.

If that weren't enough, you also have to compete against human nature. Without documentation of errors, the bureaus are inclined to report information as reported by subscribers, assuming the negative. After all, the merchant/subscriber is not going to complain because he didn't like what he saw on your file and thus didn't extend credit and did not lose any money. Any losses for not taking a risk are speculative and argumentative, certainly not tangible.

The only decisions that might draw criticism from the merchant are the losses as a result of the bureau omitting some negative information that would have caused the merchant to, have declined extending credit. This is not intended to make the credit bureaus appear the great evil empire" that some have made them out to be. They are huge bureaucratic companies whose policies have evolved from simple business economics and human nature.

Every credit bureau desires to maintain as accurate information as financially feasible, but at the same time they realize the quality control limitations dictated by competition and operating costs. And they realize that if they do err, it is better to err on the negative side rather than the positive,
if , they mean to serve their subscribers' best interest. Although they want to develop as truthful a portrait of your credit history as possible, human nature compels them to give highest priority to recording any remarks that might be true and might keep their customer-base from entering into a risky credit arrangement. After all, that is their service, and nothing directly impacts their bottom line any greater.

It's much like having a mechanic check out an automobile before you make a decision to purchase it. The mechanic is put on the spot. If he tells you that its a good car, and it breaks down on you, then he will look bad. He'll never be burdened with your complaints about the three he blackballed, only the one he approved - if it should break down on you.

Human nature compels him to go into the situation looking for what's wrong, not what's right. You are about to make a major financial decision based mainly on the information your mechanic gives you. Similarly, the merchant may be making a comparable investment based on the information provided by the bureau.

Respectfully, Regis Sauger

Regis Sauger is a licensed Mortgage Broker in Florida, an author, lecturer on credit awareness. He have conducted seminars for underwriters, attorneys, mortgage lenders, realtors and the general public.

In this photo released by the Iraqi Police on Monday, Aug. 25, 2008, a girl who they suspected of being a suicide bomber is seen handcuffed to railings in a street in Baqouba, Iraq, on Sunday, Aug. 24, 2008 according to police. Iraqi police presented a teenage girl caught wearing an explosives vest to reporters on Monday, prodding her in the presence of the media to confess to plans to stage a suicide bombing. But the girl appeared confused and denied the allegation, saying that she never intended to carry out the attack and wanted to remove the vest. The circumstances of her arrest remained unclear. U.S. officials said she had turned herself in, while local police said she was caught after arousing suspicion(AP Photo/Iraqi Police)AP - Iraqi police publicly questioned a teenage girl after she was allegedly caught wearing an explosives belt, parading her in front of reporters and pressing her to confess she was planning a suicide bombing.

posted by colt49364 @ 8:28 AM  
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