Friday, September 19, 2008
London stock market soars after flat open (AFP)

London's FTSE 100 index of leading shares surged by 4.43 percent to 5,096.40 points soon after the start of trading in the wake of massive gains across Asia and on Wall Street overnight.(AFP/File/Shaun Curry)AFP - London's FTSE 100 index of leading shares surged by 4.43 percent Online Masters Degrees In Cultural Studies Or History 5,096.40 points soon after Budget House Insurance start of trading Friday in the wake of massive gains across Asia and on Wall Street overnight.

When I was Compensation For Injury Psychological teenager, I thought it was important to have a phone number. After all, how was I going to talk to Online Masters Degrees For Oregon Colleges those gorgeous boys if I didn't have a phone. Growing up, it proved to be the most important number I had - although not too many boys used it. My Dad didn't like boys calling me anyway.

Then too, the numbers for my measurements were not impressive either (30, 28, 36). Vogue was not calling me to put me on their front cover. Even the fellas didn't have the hots for me as I showed off my new bikini. In fact, they all fell out laughing. Well, those weren't the most important numbers I had.

Even my shoe size wasn't the right number. After all, most of the girls had small feet. You know size 5, 6 or 7 1/2. (Seven and a half was the most popular number.) Mine was 9-1/2 at a very young age. I used to visit my Grandparents in Alabama every summer. I don't think I even knew where my shoes were until I returned home Forever In Debt To Your Priceless Advice months later.

Let's Debt Consolidation Secured Loan there are some others that might qualify as the most important number. My address is important so that I know where I live and I can get all of that great mail. You know mailers, advertisements, bills.

How about my salary? Well, I've been meaning to talk to my boss about that number. As far as I'm concerned, it's waaaaaay tooooooooo small.

By jove I think I've got it - the most important number is my credit score. That's it, I win, I win. Degree Graduate Nursing Online School ding ding. I get the prize.

That's right, the most important number you have is your credit score. Why its even more important than your salary. Do you know that most creditors don't care how much money you make when deciding whether or not you're a good risk for them getting paid? The only real number they care about is Regionally Accredited Online University your middle score?

What's a middle score? I'm glad you asked me that. A middle score is that most important number that mortgage lenders, car dealers, apartment List Auto Insurance Companies and even your potential boss looks at to determine if you are going to get what you ask for. My dad used to say experience is your best teacher. Lenders experience has been that people with higher credit scores are less likely to default on a loan.

There are three Debt Management Consolidation Credit Bureaus that are used throughout the country: Experian, TransUnion and Equifax. Most lenders either report to or use their scoring system in their every day transactions with potential customers. When they pull your credit, they are pulling scores from these three agencies. While each of them uses the same FICO software to create your score, there are variations that generate a different score for each of them. The lender looks at all three scores and throws out the highest and the lowest and uses the middle score in making their decision.

Credit Scores are ranked from Poor (340) to Excellent (850). They believe the higher your score is, the lower the risk. If you have a credit score over 700 you are usually offered the best interest rates both in mortgages and cars. Potential employers look at your credit scores to determine if you are a good employee risk. If you don't handle your affairs well, they are not going to trust you with theirs.

Take care of that "most important number". Keep it high and mighty.

Well, that's it for today. If you want to know what makes up that middle score and what impacts it, stay tuned. Coming soon at a blogger near you: "The Ups and Downs of a Number".

If you're looking to take control of your Financial Future contact me via email: or by phone: 248-254-1204

Samella (Sam) Cooper
Visit my blog for this and other articles:

posted by colt49364 @ 1:50 AM  
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