Friday, December 5, 2008
Obama turns focus to energy, agriculture, trade (Reuters)

US President-elect Barack Obama speaks as he presents his choices for his newly formed Economic Recovery Advisory Board during a news conference in Chicago November 26, 2008. (John Gress/Reuters)Reuters - President-elect Radiology Illinois Student Loan Repayment Obama shifts his focus Loans For College Students Student Loan Repayment Grant Texas second half Disney Vacation Packages Through Chase Disney Credit Card his White House Cabinet next week with decisions pending in the high-profile areas of energy, the environment, trade and agriculture.

The truth California Car Insurance Online that all sports are not equal Standard Form 95 Claim For Injury it comes to betting.Some of them like soccer for example may have greater appeal to the punters worldwide but that doesnt make them the best markets for wagering.

One of the most interesting and profitable markets i have ever found is without a doubt tennis. One of its main advantages is that the very nature of the sport makes the bookies struggle to come up with the correct odds so many opportunities and value bets arise.There are many aspects that a punter must take into consideration such as surface,tournaments,fittness,mental toughness,ranking of a player but once he master these he will see value bets litterally everywhere.

First of all tennis season is ten months long with many tournaments to choose from.The more important the Lasik Eye Surgery Cost In Tucson the more Criminal Justice Online Degree it pays, and the more accomplished and high ranked players will enter.Its not uncommon of high ranked players using low level tournaments as a practice for the big one coming up and many times they lose to an inferior opponent who treats these tournaments as gold cause he has no chance on making it far in the big ones.

Of course surface still remains one of the most important factors in tennis. Each player has a favorite surface,a surface that he performs at his best.There are very few players that perform equally well at all surfaces.Many of them play and choose most tournaments in their schedule that have their favorite surface.You can see for example a player that is ranked 15 in the world but when he plays a guy who is ranked for example 50 but plays in his favorite surface and least favorite for the other,things are not good for the top ranked guy.

Surfaces combined with the weapons that each player has at his disposal are perhaps the ones that top the list when we want to decided the winner of a certain matchup: Take Clay for example.Its the slowest surface of them all.Its difficult to hit through your opponent so the big hitters are to an extent losing their edge here.You have to be very fast and a great mover to survive in this surface.Grass on the other hand is very fast and the ball bounces low so the players have less time to react.Good servers with volleying abilities are needed for this surface.

One of the things that are overlooked most of the times is the mental toughness of a player. To learn how a player reacts under pressure is a serious weapon in your way to making a profit out of tennis punting. Many players are known to Buying Car Insurance Online under pressure,many others have a phycological advantage or vice verca against a certain opponent so you can easily make a profile of each players mental status.Whether he has a burning will to win or he is indefferent to a tennis match its easy for you to spot him after a while. You ll know that a certain player if gets just slightly down on the scoreboard most of the time is starting to spray wild balls around the court or another one in the same situation picks up his game and starts to play like god.

Fitness and injuries are of course very important for every sport.But since we are talking about an individual sport they take a much more important role.An injury can end a match in a flash.when someone has played some tournaments in a row or when someone is coming off a serious injury are definately some things that we have to consider before we even begin to think about betting on them.Its not uncommon that a qualifier beats the hot favorite in his first match after a long layoff or the hot favorite loses an easy match only because of getting extremely tired after a few tournaments in a row.Definately one to Personal Injury Attorneys

All these things and many more make the value betting in tennis one of the most smart ways to bet.The flactuation of the odds most of the time is amazing and there is a reason why tennis is the most traded sport in betfair.If you devote some time to familiarize yourself with the game and its variables you ll find that the tennis market is full of opportunities waiting to be grasped.

Denis Giannikopoulos - webmaster of

posted by colt49364 @ 10:36 PM  
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