Monday, September 22, 2008
Nearly 53,000 Chinese children sick from milk (AP)

A farmer pours the fresh milk at a dairy farm in Shenyang, China Saturday Sept. 20, 2008. China is seeking to shore up public confidence weakened by a milk safety scandal, with the president scolding officials for negligence and government agencies promising adequate supplies of uncontaminated milk. (AP Photo)AP - The number of children in China sickened Compensation For Total Loss Of Vehicle In Auto Accident dairy products tainted with the banned industrial chemical melamine has jumped to nearly 53,000, the government said Sunday as it vowed to crack down on those responsible Cheap Personal Loans one of China's worst food safety scandals in years.

2005 marks the year that consumers will be able to get Tax Attorneys Vermont free credit Consolidation Of Non Federal Student Loans each year. The roll out of the Fair and Accurate Minimum Balance To Open An Ira Transaction Act signed into law by President Bush actually began last December 1. If you didn't know about it, don't worry. You haven't missed the boat. Not everyone is eligible to get their credit report. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is allowing the credit bureau's to implement the program piecemeal so as Home Mortgage Refinance Loan to overload the Mesothelioma Settlement credit report system. Millions of consumers are expected to take advantage of the free reports.

Last December, consumers from Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, New Easy Approval Private Student Loan Consolidation Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming were able to take advantage of the free credit report. Next March, the Midwest will have access to free credit reports. The South has to wait till June, and the East must wait until September 2005.

After your eligible, you can request you free credit report from a web site, by calling a toll free number, or by Injury Claim Trade Practices Act it in writing. The web site address is Jusoft Data Recovery Software website was created by the credit bureaus. The toll free number is (877)-322-8228, which is also (877)-FTC-HELP if that's easier to remember. The address to write to is Annual Report Request Service, P.O. Box 105281, Atlanta, GA., 30348-5281. You will not be asked to sign up for a trial subscription for a credit monitoring service after requesting your credit report.

Your not limited to one free credit report a year. You can request three - one from each of the credit bureaus: Experan (, Equifax Inc. (, and Trans Union LLC ( It's a good idea to request a credit report from one of the credit bureau's every four months to monitor the activity related to your credit. You do not have to request three credit reports at the same time.

Errors on credit reports can cost you plenty of money. You need to make sure your credit report is accurate before submitting a mortgage application, buying a car on credit, or even requesting a credit card. Take advantage of the free credit reports to protect your most important financial asset - your credit.

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posted by colt49364 @ 12:01 AM  
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